About Me

I'm Antonia, a sociologist and creative from Atlanta, GA.

I graduated from Fordham University with a Sociology degree and a minor in Peace and Justice Studies back in 2021. Although it was only my physical home for a few years, I consider myself to have been truly born in the Bronx and New York City at large. But as I came to find out living in Bangkok earlier this year, I tend to feel this way everywhere I call home. I believe in the beauty of the world around me. I also believe deeply in the creative capacity of humanity in tending to this beauty.

This is one of my biggest pulls to both sociology and art as disciplines, as well as why I think the two actually pair together so well: both are, at their core, about the creation of meaning. It's a power that resides in all of us, and it gives us the power to heal ourselves and those around us. The Starfish Story from my youth has always stuck with me; I can't make a difference for everyone, but I can certainly make a difference to a few. Imagine if everyone made a difference to just a few!

As you can see, I also have a tendency to wax poetic a bit :) But that's the essence of my intentions with this page. I'm here to share my writings and creations about the things that matter to me, not only sociology and art, but anything that intersects its path. I'm currently feeling inspired by Carl Jung's ideas (particularly those of The Red Book ,) so my writings will likely reflect that, but I am also likely to discuss cultural commentary as well (after all, I was a conflict theorist prior to symbolic interactionism...) Although I am a sociologist by training, my ideas tend to often bleed over into other disciplines, namely psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, so their integration is common.