
january 15, 2024 (resolutions, yoga, and the new moon)

I heard from a woman on Tiktok that the millionaire way to plan your resolutions is to do them by the quarter, not by the year. Three months honestly sounds far more manageable to me anyways, so I'm giving it a shot. Here's a few of my goals for Q1:

  • Hold my job through the end of the quarter. This one sounds a bit silly, and it will be relatively super easy with my new job (which I am loving!), but I've grown accustomed at this point to changing jobs like they're outfits. Can you even blame me? Work sucks. But it's time to settle down and hold on tight to employment in order to get the things stable income provides, like the new apartment I'm working on getting. I'll definitely be holding this new job far longer, but one Q at a time!
  • Develop my skills in arts administration and event management. I am serious about pursuing my future creative community hub for mind/body/spirit, and that means getting serious about my skillset. I'm going to be getting involved with some of the arts nonprofits I'm always lurking on, especially The Bakery, and gaining insight on what moves I need to take to be successful. I also want to host some sort of event this quarter, but I'm not exactly sure what that looks like yet.
  • Post on my blog at least 1x per week! This is the home of my creative muscle, and it's so exciting to see my portfolio grow and to organize my efforts as well.

I have many more, including practicing painting and music production, saving $1500 by April, and putting myself out there more at different events. One goal I'm doing great at is practicing yoga! My goal has been to practice at least 5x a week, but I'm really striving to do it every day because the benefits are so significant. I love to practice hatha yoga in the mornings and yoga nidra at night before bed. We must heal the body to heal the mind, and I find yoga is perfect for that because it allows you to get in touch with your body and build strength within it. I'm very interested in learning more about the philosophical ideas behind yoga and am going to get involved with a local ashram as well! I feel like I will pursue yoga teacher training in the future, but I am currently on this journey for myself first and foremost and I want to feel like I have a certain level of self-mastery before I work to heal others.

I am also celebrating the recent New Moon! So this time is about intention setting and preparation for growth in this upcoming month. Tarot reading for the New Moon is a bit late but soon to come. Ciao!