Tarot Reflections
12/10 Reading

"How can I achieve financial freedom without sacrificing my soul's integrity?"
Celtic Cross Spread
Heart of the Matter—What is the main issue at hand? What is the focus of this reading?
Judgement-ReversedRepresents a lack of self-awareness, doubt, and self-loathing. I am being too harsh on myself, suffering from doubt towards my abilities that's preventing me from seeing/acting on my true worth.
Challenge—What blocks me from the resolution of the problem? What must I overcome?
IV of Wands-ReversedRepresents a lack of communication, instability, and home conflicts. I am being stifled by conflicts in my home life, but I also am stifling myself from my tendency towards avoidance rather than clear communication, so this is a point I must reflect on.
Unconscious—How do I really feel? WHat are some hidden emotions I may be having?
The EmperorRepresents authority, structure, and control. I have an underlying desire to exert control over my surroundings, assuming a sense of authority over that which is beyond my own capacity or responsibility. I need to channel this controlling energy into proper boundary-setting.
Past—What attitudes/beliefs/feelings in the past have shaped this situation?
Knight of WandsRepresents action, adventure, fearlessness, and the manifestation of a pursued vision. I have been bold in my pursuit of action, but this can come with a touch of recklessness and impulsivity that can hinder me. It's a good idea to harness my adventurousness with proper planning.
Conscious—What assumptions/convictions/beliefs do I have about the matter?
X of WandsRepresents accomplishment, responsibility, and burden. I've been working very hard to bring things to fruition, but I have a tendency to overburden myself and end up burnt out. I need to focus on prioritizing myself and my most important goals.
Future—What future influences may shape the situation?
Ace of Cups-ReversedRepresents wasted emotions, blocked creativity, and emptiness. A valuable opportunity could become wasted or blocked from fruition. What can I do to claim my cupful?
Querent—What is my role in the reading? How do my beliefs/perceptions/fears affect things?
The LoversRepresents partnerships, duality, union, and choice. There is an inner harmony within my soul that I believe in sharing. My eternal optimism carries me forward, as does the support of divine partnership. Love is revealed within my everyday actions.
Environment—What is the context surrounding this situation?
Ace of SwordsRepresents victory, raw strength, and sharp mind. I have the potential for great victory and success, but it is important that I am careful to wield my power gently and in the pursuit of good.
Hopes & Fears—What do I expect to happen? What do I hope or fear the most from this reading?
IV of PentaclesRepresents conservation, security, and frugality. I expect to be wise spending my expectedly modest wealth, but I want to be careful to maintain generosity. I do not believe in a scarcity mindset; I am secure that there is more than enough for me to have what I need and provide a helping hand for those who do not as well.
Outcome—Where is all of this leading?
II of Cups-ReversedRepresents imbalance, broken communication, and tension. I find it significant that my outcome card is an omen, warning me to be careful in my adherence to the wisdom I have been presented. If I fail to do so, it is clear to me that future partnerships and opportunities may suffer.